Signs You Could Benefit from a Tummy Tuck in Michigan

a photo of a woman wearing a bikini

Wanting a flatter stomach is a very common cosmetic goal. Even people who diet and exercise find it difficult to achieve this. It can be especially hard if you have just lost a significant amount of weight or been pregnant. Luckily, there is an option out there that can help. A tummy tuck here in Michigan may be exactly what you need to boost your confidence and end your frustration.

The term “tummy tuck” is used rather frequently but not everyone really understands what one involves. More technically referred to as abdominoplasty, it involves removing excess skin to make your stomach appear flatter. What not everyone realizes, however, is that it is more involved than that. During this cosmetic surgery, the fascia and muscles of your lower abdominal wall are also tightened, which helps support your stomach.

Not sure if having this procedure is the right choice for you here in Michigan? You may be a good candidate if:

You Have Little to No Skin Elasticity

If the skin on your stomach is very loose and saggy, a tummy tuck is your only real treatment option. No matter how much you diet or exercise, you will not be able to tighten this skin on your own. A tummy tuck, however, removes excess skin to give your stomach that nice, flat appearance.

You Find Yourself Wearing Maternity Clothes

If you are a mother that has just never given up her maternity shirts due to the way your stomach looks, consider a tummy tuck. As useful as those clothing items were, it is time to put them away and feel comfortable wearing clothing that accentuates your body!

You Have Lost a Good Deal of Weight

If you have been able to lose a significant amount of weight, congratulations! You should be able to enjoy this accomplishment without worrying about the excess skin that was left behind. Having this procedure can help you fully enjoy the body you worked so hard for.

You Abdominal Muscles Aren’t Getting Stronger

For some people, it seems like no amount of crunches helps them build muscles in their abdomen. During your tummy tuck, the muscle is expertly pulled tighter, providing your core with more support. This can help motivate you to take your new body to the next level.

Considering getting a tummy tuck here in Michigan? Why not visit Southwest Michigan Plastic and Hand Surgery! We are conveniently located in Portage and Battle Creek. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!