
If the aging process and the effects of gravity have led to the development of unwanted issues, like a double chin, jowls, or loose skin on the face and neck, we have a solution. At our Southwest Michigan Plastic and Hand Surgery location in Portage, MI, we offer treatments with FaceTite by InMode. This highly effective skin-tightening device allows men and women to tighten the skin on the lower halves of their faces without surgery.

What Is FaceTite by InMode?

FaceTite by InMode is a minimally invasive, non-surgical skin tightening and rejuvenating treatment that uses radiofrequency heat energy to tighten loose skin by stimulating natural collagen production and targeting and reducing unwanted fat cells. 

It can treat and improve the appearance of the skin on the face, chin, and neck and is the next best thing to a surgical facelift. The device both liquifies and redistributes fat cells in the treatment area while also stimulating the body to increase natural collagen production.

A Treatment That Can Reverse the Aging Process

As you age, facial fat distribution begins to change, and as your skin weakens and loses natural elasticity, the result is often sagging or drooping skin that appears as jowls, facial folds, and even a double chin. We can use this device to reverse these negative effects of the aging process and tighten the treatment area while redistributing and liquifying fat cells to promote a youthful appearance.

What Are the Treatment Benefits?

Patients love FaceTite by InMode because it’s the next best thing to a surgical facelift, minus the surgical techniques and recovery. It’s minimally invasive and takes less than an hour to complete the treatment, but the results are immediately visible, and you’ll notice a significant improvement in your skin elasticity post-treatment. Some other treatment benefits include the following:

  • It only takes a single treatment to see visible results
  • There’s minimal downtime
  • It can tighten loose skin on the face and neck
  • Results are immediate and continue to improve for several months post-treatment
  • Treatments are quick
  • The treatment process is non-surgical
  • It can effectively target and improve the most common signs of aging 
  • There’s no post-treatment scarring

Frequently Asked Questions

What Should I Expect From the Treatment?

Before beginning your treatment, we will cleanse your skin and apply a topical numbing solution to ensure your comfort throughout the session. The device is equipped with two probes, including a tiny probe that we’ll insert just below the skin’s surface.

As we move the device across the skin, one probe will target the internal layer while the other targets the external. The result is immediate tissue coagulation and, eventually, increased collagen and elastin production.

When Will I See the Results?

Patients can expect to see immediate results following a FaceTite by InMode treatment. The device causes an instant contraction of existing collagen below the skin surface, making the skin immediately appear tighter and firmer. However, the best results appear in the weeks following treatment as you see the effects of your body’s natural increase in collagen production.

Is There Downtime?

Most patients can resume normal daily activities once their treatment is over. We will give you some specific aftercare instructions to ensure that the treatment site heals quickly and you can achieve optimal treatment results. It’s important that you avoid sun exposure and use quality sunscreen even on cloudy days to protect your skin and extend your results. You may also need to temporarily refrain from certain activities and products as your skin heals.

Is the Treatment Safe?

When you schedule a FaceTite by InMode treatment at one of our Southwest Michigan Plastic and Hand surgery locations, you can expect a safe treatment and an exceptional outcome.

We will discuss your concerns and your desired treatment area and then design your treatment plan accordingly so that you achieve your ideal appearance and can live free of the signs of aging that have come to define your appearance. We have the necessary training and experience to safely and effectively administer this treatment, so you can schedule your treatments with confidence.

How Long Will My Results Last?

FaceTite by InMode is a treatment meant to deliver long-lasting results. However, because the natural aging process does not stop, you will need to be mindful of your lifestyle and how you care for your skin after your treatment to ensure the longevity of your results. It’s important that you engage in healthy lifestyle habits, including eating a healthy diet, avoiding smoking, using proper sun protection, and avoiding sun exposure.

You must also use quality, professional-grade skin care products to promote skin health and youthful-looking skin. Since this device can eliminate unwanted fat cells from different areas, it’s important that you don’t lose or gain significant weight post-treatment to ensure long-lasting results.

Am I a Good Candidate?

The best candidates for FaceTite by InMode are patients looking for a non-surgical treatment that can target and eliminate excess fat cells in the middle and lower half of the face and tighten loose skin. We schedule pre-treatment consultations to confirm patient eligibility. We can evaluate your problem areas in person, ask you some questions about your medical and health history, and then confirm your treatment eligibility.

Patients who don’t want to invest in a surgical face lift or cannot commit to a surgical procedure can schedule a FaceTite by InMode treatment to tighten loose skin and achieve a youthful and lifted appearance.

Experience the Non-Surgical Skin-Tightening Treatment

If skin laxity and facial fat redistribution have negatively altered your appearance, and if you don’t want the signs of aging to define, we can design a customized treatment plan to naturally lift and tighten your skin through a minimally invasive treatment process. At your initial consultation, we can give you more details about this unique treatment and what kind of results you can expect.

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