Liquid Facelift

Liquid Facelift

In comparison with a traditional surgical facelift, a liquid facelift offers many advantages, depending on your lifestyle, aesthetic goals, and the concerns you hope to address. For example, younger patients or those with a less advanced degree of aging may choose to get a liquid facelift to address mild to moderate facial wrinkling. People who don’t have time to commit to a longer recovery process may also prefer a liquid facelift, since most patients can go back to their regular schedule shortly after getting their simple in-office procedure done.

Of course, one of the most appealing benefits of a liquid facelift is that it does not require any anesthesia, stitches, or scarring. Those who wish to look younger without surgery love this minimally invasive option because it requires little to no healing time and does not present the same risks that come with surgery. When you choose an experienced injector to perform your liquid facelift, the most common side effects are mild bruising, redness, swelling, bumps, and itching around the injection sites, all of which will resolve on their own soon after your appointment.

Where Will My Liquid Facelift Be Performed?

All of my cosmetic surgery procedures, including facelifts, are performed in one of two local accredited ambulatory surgical facilities near my Southwest Michigan plastic surgery office. I always work with board certified anesthesiologists. Many of the operating room staff at these centers have been working closely with me for the past 15 years. These same-day surgery centers offer you the safety of a hospital operating room without the exposure to hospital-based bacteria, plus the benefit of a friendly, caring, and personalized experience.

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