Arm Lift

Lean, sculpted arms are a physical feature coveted by many, but sometimes pockets of stubborn fat and loose skin act as a roadblock preventing you from achieving your ideal physique. At our Southwest Michigan Hand and Plastic Surgery location in Portage, MI, we offer a surgical procedure called the arm lift that can help patients achieve sculpted arms and enjoy long-term results.

What is an Arm Lift?

An arm lift, also known as brachioplasty, is a cosmetic surgical procedure designed to help patients achieve sculpted, leaner-looking arms. The surgical techniques used during the procedure focus on removing excess fat cells, skin, and tissue from different areas of the arm as needed to improve overall arm aesthetics.

When Exercise, Diet, and Lifestyle Fall Short

Many men and women dedicate a significant percentage of their weekly workouts to arm exercises designed to strengthen and tone arm muscles, yet still don’t see results. While these exercises are important as they promote strength and muscle health, if you have pockets of stubborn fat that don’t respond to diet and exercise changes or have loose skin, both will prevent you from seeing your desired amount of definition, no matter how hard you work out. 

An arm lift is a perfect solution for those who want to improve arm definition and eliminate the excess fat and skin preventing them from looking and feeling their best, achieve their ideal physique after weight loss, combat the aging process, or enjoy the benefits of all the hard work they put in at the gym.

What Are the Benefits?

An arm lift has many benefits and is a solution for men and women unhappy with the appearance of their arms due to weight loss or the normal aging process. It’s a procedure that does what a healthy lifestyle and consistent workout routine often cannot. Other treatment benefits include:

  • The procedure can help complement the results of a healthy diet and consistent strength training routine 
  • The results are long-lasting 
  • Surgical treatment plans are completely customizable

Frequently Asked Questions

Where Does the Procedure Take Place?

Dr. Raghu Elluru performs all his cosmetic surgery procedures, including brachioplasty, at one of two local accredited outpatient facilities near the Southwest Michigan Hand and Plastic Surgery locations. Dr. Elluru only works with board-certified anesthesiologists to ensure an optimal outcome and the highest level of patient safety. 

He has been working with many of the staff members at the outpatient facilities for over 15 years. One of the benefits of a local same-day surgery center is that patients get to experience the safety of a hospital operating room without being exposed to hospital-based bacteria. Plus, these surgery centers provide a caring, friendly atmosphere and a personalized patient experience.

What Happens During the Procedure?

Before beginning the procedure, we will schedule a pre-surgical consultation to confirm your eligibility for an arm lift and customize your surgical treatment plan. On the day of your procedure, you will need someone to drive you to and from the facility. To begin the procedure, Dr. Elluru will mark the incision locations with a special surgical pen. 

Then, he will make an incision in one of two locations, either the back of the upper arm or the inside of the arm between the biceps and triceps muscles. Patients with a significant amount of excess skin may need an additional incision in the armpit for optimal results, which we will discuss at the initial consultation.

Excess Fat and Skin Removal

The treatment will then focus on liposuction. Patients who want to remove excess fat from their arms will benefit from this technique as it permanently eliminates stubborn fat cells using advanced surgical techniques.

After performing liposuction, Dr. Elluru will remove excess skin in the area and close all incisions with dissolvable sutures. Then, he will apply a dressing to the area and a compression garment to accelerate the healing process, minimize swelling, and help patients achieve their ideal arm shape.

What Kind of Recovery Should I Expect?

After your procedure is over, you must wear your compression arm garment for 24 hours a day for the first four to six weeks following your procedure. Patients can shower the day after their procedure and resume light activities. Most patients will take prescription medication for two to three days to promote optimal comfort at the initial stage of the healing process.

You will be prescribed medication before your scheduled surgical procedure. Once you finish your prescriptions, you can resume your normal daily activities, including driving and returning to work. You will need to wait four to six weeks before resuming more strenuous activities, including exercise and heavy lifting.

When Will I Notice the Results?

Your results will become increasingly visible in the weeks following your procedure as your body heals and swelling subsides. When we design your customized procedure, we will give you more details about what kind of results you can expect.

Am I a Good Candidate?

The best candidates for an arm lift are men and women unhappy with how excess skin and pockets of stubborn fat have impacted the appearance of their arms. If your diet, healthy lifestyle, and weight training routine have not changed the appearance of your arms and you want a more effective solution, you may be a good candidate for an arm lift. 

Patients must be in good health before the procedure, willing to follow the recovery instructions and understand that with brachioplasty there will always be some visible scarring. Most patients are willing to live with a scar in exchange for leaner, more sculpted-looking arms.

Achieve Leaner, Sculpted Arms

You don’t have to feel self-conscious about the appearance of your arms or wear clothes to hide them because there is a safe and effective procedure that can permanently eliminate the loose skin and excess fat cells and tissues, preventing you from feeling confident. An initial consultation is the best way to learn more about this procedure, get answers to any questions you may have, and confirm whether you’re a good candidate.

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