Chin Implant

What is a Chin Implant?

A chin implant, called “mentoplasty” by plastic surgeons, is an elective cosmetic surgery performed by me, Michigan plastic surgeon Dr. Raghu Elluru, as an outpatient procedure.

Patients come to me from all over Southwest Michigan, Kalamazoo, Grand Rapids, Portage for chin surgery because I’m board-certified in plastic surgery and have demonstrated excellent results in improving the profiles of many in the area.

Reasons for a Chin Implant

Often due to inherited characteristics, both men and women can have a receding chin. This is often the case with individuals with poorly shaped noses who benefit from both a rhinoplasty and a chin implant.

Am I a Good Candidate for a Chin Implant?

Healthy men and women aged 16 or older who have realistic expectations about their mentoplasty results are good candidates for a chin implant procedure.

You and I will discuss the anticipated results of a chin implant procedure during your private consultation in one of our two Southwest Michigan plastic surgery offices.

Where Will My Chin Implant Be Performed?

All of my cosmetic surgery procedures, including chin implant procedures, are performed in one of two local accredited ambulatory surgical facilities near my Southwest Michigan plastic surgery office. I work only with board-certified anesthesiologists, and many of the operating room staff at these centers have been working with me for the past 15 years. These same-day surgery centers offer you the safety of a hospital operating room without exposure to hospital-based bacteria, plus the benefit of a friendly, caring, and personalized experience.

How Is A Chin Implant Inserted?

Prior to your procedure, I will “mark” your face with a special pen. Once the anesthesia has been performed, I will make incisions either under the chin or inside the mouth. A chin implant will be inserted and examined for proper sizing and fit. After inserting sutures, a protective dressing will be put on the area and then you’ll spend some time in the recovery area before going home. You’ll need a friend or family member to drive you since you’ll have been under general anesthesia.

Recovery From Chin Implant Surgery

Chin implant surgery is a fairly minor procedure but not without discomfort. Most of my chin implant michigan patients find that they feel relief from postop pain with ice packs and focusing on soft foods for the first few days after surgery. You will have some swelling and bruising, which will recede during the first week.

I’ll see you in the office within a day or two of your mentoplasty and frequently thereafter to be sure your chin is healing as it should. Please do not smoke during recovery and be sure to avoid vigorous exercise until I let you know it’s OK. For the first 6-8 weeks, please avoid contact sports that might result in a blow to your face.

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