How Soon Can I Wear Makeup After Microneedling?

a beautiful brunette woman

How Soon Can I Wear Makeup After Microneedling?

When you’re having skin texture issues, makeup application can be tricky. Some skin conditions can cause makeup to sit heavily on the face, or cause makeup to enhance flaws rather than mask them. Luckily, the experts at Southwest Michigan Plastic and Hand Surgery in Portage, MI know that one of the most effective treatments for uneven texture is microneedling.

How Soon Can I Wear Makeup After Microneedling?

If you’re using this treatment as a way to correct your skin texture so makeup application will be easier and look better, it makes sense if one of your first questions is how soon you can wear makeup after your treatment. Many patients are surprised to learn that they will need to wait at least 48 to 72 hours before any makeup products can be applied to the skin.This temporary ban on makeup even applies to a tinted moisturizer or tinted sunscreen. While your skin must remain hydrated after your treatment, it’s not advisable to use any products made from pigmented minerals for the sake of not irritating your skin. However, unlike traditional makeup, you can use a tinted moisturizer or sunscreen within 24 hours after your treatment.

Why This Time Frame?

Foundation makeup is an excellent choice to correct pigmentation concerns about the natural appearance of your skin, but the way makeup is formulated makes it a less than ideal option after microneedle treatments. Most makeup is made from an oil base or uses minerals that block pores and potentially interfere with natural skin shedding, both of which can make it more difficult for your skin to recover after this treatment.It’s important to wait before the application of makeup products so that your skin has a chance to breathe and start recovering from the micro-injuries caused by the treatment. After 24 hours, your skin will be in a better state to handle the chemicals used in tinted products; after 48 to 72 hours, the top layer of your skin will be healed enough that regular makeup application won’t pose any potential problems for recovery.

What Can You Put on Your Face After Microneedling?

If you can’t wear makeup after a microneedling treatment, then what can you put on your skin? For the first one to three days after your treatment, the majority of your skincare routine needs to be focused on promoting skin health, maintaining skin moisture, and protecting your skin during this crucial and highly vulnerable period. The good news is that you have several options for products you can safely use on your skin, which include:


You must use sunscreen at all times, but especially after microneedle treatments for about two weeks. While you can’t use sunscreen for the first 24 hours after your treatment for the same reason you shouldn’t use other mineral-based products, you should be using sunscreen the day after your treatment.Ideally, the sunscreen you use should be graded SPF 30 or greater. For those who have fair or sensitive skin, stronger sunscreen may be advisable; you may also want stronger sunscreen during the spring and summer months when the risk of sun exposure is greatest. For patients with acne-prone skin or sensitive skin, you should always opt for non-comedogenic sunscreen.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is an incredibly useful natural skincare ingredient that has been used for thousands of years. While aloe vera is most commonly known to help your skin heal after burns, the healing properties of aloe vera are also useful for treating abrasions, dryness, and uneven skin tone. In fact, aloe vera is one of the best products to use to protect the natural function of your skin barrier. Using aloe after your treatment can help your skin heal faster and reduce any redness or irritation following your appointment.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a powerful emollient that can help maintain the moisture balance in the skin, which is your top priority after your treatment. Natural or organic coconut oil applied to the skin two to three times a day can help your skin stay hydrated and make it easier for your skin to recover. Using coconut oil may even be a preferable option if you have sensitive skin that is highly reactive to skincare ingredients normally found in over-the-counter moisturizers.


Speaking of moisturizers, applying moisturizer throughout the day after your treatment will keep your skin supple and soft after your treatment. General daily moisturizers tend to combine the kind of ingredients that support skin health. However, be careful to check all of the ingredients in your favorite moisturizer; if you have one that uses Vitamin C or retinoids, you will need to switch to a moisturizer without these ingredients during your recovery period.

Hyaluronic Acid

While you will be instructed to stay away from most acid-based skincare ingredients during your aftercare, there is one acid that you may want to stock up on. Hyaluronic acid is a natural acid found in the skin that is responsible for retaining skin moisture. Since hyaluronic acid can carry many times its own weight in water, it’s an important ingredient to use either as a serum or in your moisturizer.Even more importantly, hyaluronic acid is also friendly to collagen production – in fact, studies indicate that collagen production is more sustainable in the presence of hyaluronic acid. As microneedle treatments are also called collagen induction therapy, it can be helpful to support your collagen production with hyaluronic acid.

Hydrocortisone Cream

Some patients also like to use hydrocortisone cream, which can help soothe irritation and encourage natural healing. Hydrocortisone cream is best at 1%, which is strong enough to support your skin’s regeneration, minimize irritation, and reduce the risk of itching, peeling, or redness after your treatment. You can find hydrocortisone cream at your local pharmacy.

Mild Cleansers

It’s also important to note that your normal cleanser might be too harsh for your skin for the first one to three days of your appointment. Patients should ideally use mild cleansers that don’t contain harsh chemicals, such as sulfates, or certain ingredients like acids. The best mild cleansers to use are oil-based, as they will not strip your skin any further or cause additional dryness. It’s also important to not use exfoliating cleansers or scrubs during this time.

Other Microneedling Aftercare FAQs

1. What Should You Not Put on Your Face After Microneedling?

Other than makeup, is there anything else you should avoid putting on your skin after treatment? It turns out there are quite a few products and ingredients you should steer clear of until your skin is recovered, while is usually within 7 to 10 days of your treatment. The list of skincare products to avoid after this treatment consists mostly of skin actives.

Why You Need to Avoid Skin Actives

Skin actives are ingredients that are used to specifically target certain concerns on the skin. For example, Retinol is used for age-related concerns, while glycolic acid may be used to manage acne, and Vitamin C is used to manage sun damage.However, most skin actives are based on acids, and the primary purpose of acids is to further strip and exfoliate your skin for more rapid skin cell turnover. Since microneedle treatments are already causing skin cell turnover, adding acid products will only prolong your recovery time – and potentially damage your skin.

2. How Long Will Your Skin Need To Recover?

Most people will require about 7 to 10 days for the skin to be mostly recovered, with those who have mature skin requiring about fourteen days for a full recovery. Your skin requires this much time to shed dead skin cells, correct skin redness and tightness after treatment, and be less vulnerable to harsher chemicals and ingredients.

3. Why Is Hydration Important During Recovery?

Hydration is the core of your microneedle recovery because hydrated skin recovers more quickly, retains more moisture, and has a better overall supple texture. But hydrating your skin is more than just applying moisturizers throughout the day. It’s also important to drink plenty of water, at least 48 oz a day.

4. What Does Skin Cell Turnover Do for Your Skin?

Your natural skin cell turnover process takes about 28 to 40 days to complete. This process is how dead skin cells are replaced by new skin cells that haven’t been damaged by sun exposure, pollution, or chemicals. Your skin cell turnover cycle helps renew skin tone and texture, so any treatment that speeds this process up will help your skin look more perfect more quickly.

5. Why Does It Look Like Your Results Disappear?

Many patients are dismayed to see the results of their treatment seemingly disappear overnight. However, you should always keep in mind that the smooth appearance of your skin during the first few days of your treatment is due to internal swelling from the treatment process, not necessarily the results of the treatment itself. Rest assured, the results of your treatment will be evident after several weeks.

6. How Long Does It Take for Collagen Production?

Producing collagen naturally is a task that will take some time, particularly if you are older or have mature skin with already low levels of collagen. It will take several weeks to begin producing enough collagen within the sub-dermal layers of your skin to begin seeing your desired results.

7. How Many Treatments Will You Need?

Depending on the purpose of your treatment, you will likely need several treatments completed very quickly to produce your desired results. For example, for those who are treating acne scarring, skin laxity, and wrinkles, you will need six to eight treatments. Treatments for blemishes, dark spots, and uneven skin tone may only require four to six appointments.

8. How Frequently Should You Have Treatment?

During your first round of treatment, you will need to have a microneedle appointment once a month until you achieve your desired results. After that, you can maintain the results of your treatment with appointments every four to eight weeks, depending on your skin needs and goals.

9. Are You a Good Candidate for Microneedling Treatments?

People with all skin tones and types are good candidates for this treatment. Whether you want to stave off signs of aging, or to correct uneven skin texture, this non-surgical and non-invasive treatment is likely a good choice for you.

Refine Your Skin for Makeup Application With Microneedling Treatments!

If you want your makeup to look good, then you need to start with a healthy, smooth, and supple canvas. If you think microneedling treatments are the right method to refine your skin, please contact Southwest Michigan Plastic and Hand Surgery in Portage, MI to schedule your initial appointment today.